Infectious Diseases-Antiviral
"LEAD Strategies"
The engineering strategies developed and employed by our group to study biointerfacial science topics are being adopted to address outstanding needs in molecular virology. Based on engineering frameworks, we have a dedicated research effort on peptide-based antiviral drug development. Another emerging thrust is the creation of functional diagnostics for viral surveillance.

Chng CP, Cho NJ, Hsia KJ*, Huang C*
(* denotes equal corresponding authors)
Langmuir, 2021.
Park S, Tae H, Cho NJ
Accounts of Chemical Research 2021: 971-977.
Wang N, Ferhan AR, Yoon BK, Jackman JA*, Cho NJ*, Majima T*
(* denotes equal corresponding authors)
"Chemical Design Principles of Next-Generation Antiviral Surface Coatings."
Chemical Society Reviews, 2021, 50, 9741 - 9765.
Elie Dolgin
"The race for antiviral drugs to beat COVID — and the next pandemic."
Nature 2021, 592, 340-343.
Highlighted Engineering in Translational Science Technology and interview in Professor Cho.
Yoon BK, Jeon WY, Sut TN, Cho NJ*, Jackman JA*
(* denotes equal corresponding authors)
ACS Nano 2021, 15 (1), 125-148
Yoon BK*, Lim ZY*, Jeon WY, Cho NJ, Kim JH, Jackman JA
(* denotes equal first authors)
Molecules 2020, 25(22), 5414.
Jackman JA*, Yoon BK, Ouyang L, Wang N, Ferhan AR, Kim J*, Majima T*, Cho NJ*
(* denotes equal corresponding authors)
"Biomimetic Nanomaterial Strategies for Virus Targeting: Antiviral Therapies and Vaccines."
Advanced Functional Materials 2020; 2008352.
Cho NJ*, Glenn JS*
(* denotes equal corresponding authors)
"Materials Science Approaches in the Development of Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Therapies."
Nature Materials 2020; 19, 813–816.
Park S, Yorulmaz Avsar S, Cornell B, Ferhan AR, Jeon WY, Chung M, Cho NJ
Cover Illustration
Applied Materials Today 2020; 100527.
Park S, Jackman JA, Cho NJ
Langmuir 2019; 35, 30, 9934-9943.
Park S, Jackman JA, Cho NJ
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2019; 182,110338
Camargos VN, Foureaux G, Medeiros DC, Silveira VT, Queiroz-Junior CM, Matosinhos ALB, Figueiredo AFA, Sousa CDF, Moreira TP, Queiroz VF, Dias ACF, Santana KTO, Passos I, Real ALCV, Silva LC, Mourão FAG, Wnuk NT, Oliveira MAP, Macari S, Silva T, Garlet GP, Jackman JA, Soriani FM, Moraes MFD, Mendes EMAM, Robeiro FM, Costa GMJ, Teixeira AL, Cho NJ, Oliveira ACP, Teixeira MM, Costa VV, Souza DG
EBioMedicine 2019; 44, 516-529.
Park S, Jackman JA, Xu XB, Weiss PS, Cho NJ
"Micropatterned Viral Membrane Clusters for Antiviral Drug Evaluation."
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019; 11 (15), 13984–13990.
Jackman JA, Shi PY, Cho NJ
"Targeting the Achilles Heel of Mosquito-Borne Viruses for Antiviral Therapy."
ACS Infectious Diseases 2019; 5(1), 4-8.
Jackman JA, Costa VV, Park S, Real ALCV, Park JH, Cardozo PL, Ferhan AR, Olmo IG, Poreira TP, Bambirra JL, Queiroz VF, Queiroz-Junior CM, Foureaux G, Souza
"Therapeutic Treatment of Zika Virus Infection Using a Brain-Penetrating Antiviral Peptide."
Nature Materials 2018; 17, 971–977.
Highlighted by Nature paper on "HELVES FOR THE NEXT PANDEMIC: Despite previous warnings, drug makers failed to prepare a stockpile of compounds to fight viral pandemics. Can they finally do the right thing?'' Elie Dolgin
Nature 2021; 592, 340-343.
Highlighted by accompanying News & Views piece on "Targeting Vesicle Size: An Amphipathic Peptide has been Engineered and is Capable of Penetrating the Blood-Brain Barrier as well as Possessing a Potent Antiviral Activity against Zika and other Mosquito-Borne Viruses." Zing Zou, Pei-Yong Shi
Nature Materials 2018; 17, 950-957.
"Nova estratégia inibe replicação do zika." Pesquisa Fapesp, 22 Oct 2018
"Peptide engineered by NTU Singapore exploits Achilles' heel of Zika virus."EurekAlert!, 24 Oct 2018
"Peptide exploits Achilles' heel of Zika virus.", 24 Oct 2018
"Singaporean scientists invent peptide to prevent Zika infections.", 24 Oct 2018
"Singaporean scientists invent peptide to prevent Zika infections." Xinhua, 24 Oct 2018
"Peptide successfully exploits Achilles' heel of Zika virus." Science Daily, 24 Oct 2018
"Scientists may have discovered new treatment for Zika virus ." The Star Online, 24 Oct 2018
"Peptide successfully exploits Achilles' heel of Zika virus." Long Room, 24 Oct 2018
"Scientists may have discovered new treatment for Zika virus." The Medical News, 24 Oct 2018
"NTU scientists discover new drug to fight Zika virus." The Straits Times, 24 Oct 2018
"Engineered Peptide Exploits Achilles’ Heel of Zika." BioscienceTechnology, 25 Oct 2018
"Engineered Peptide Exploits Achilles’ Heel of Zika." Laboratory Equipment, 25 Oct 2018
"New peptide destroys Zika virus in brain for first time." CHEMISTRYWORLD, 25 Oct 2018
Jackman JA, Cho NJ
"Targeting the Achilles Heel of Zika Virus and Other Emerging Viral Pathogens."
Advanced Therapeutics 2018; 1(5), 1800045.
Beldar S, Manimekalai MSS, Cho NJ, Baek KH, Gruber G, Yoon HS
"Self-Association and Conformational Variation of NS5A Domain 1 of Hepatitis C Virus."
Journal of General Virology 2018; 99(2), 194-208.
Nasir MZM, Jackman JA, Cho NJ, Ambrosi A, Pumera M
Analytical Chemistry 2017; 89(21), 11753-11757.
Kim SO*, Jackman JA*, Elazar M, Cho SJ, Glenn JS**, Cho NJ**
(* denotes equal first authors ** denotes equal corresponding authors)
Analytical Chemistry 2017; 89(18), 9742-9750.
Cho NJ, Pham EA, Hagey RJ, Leveque VJ, Ma H, Klumpp K, Glenn JS
ACS Central Science 2016; 2(7), 456-466.
Jackman JA, Linardy E, Yoo DH, Seo JE, Ng WB, Klemme D, Wittenberg N, Oh SH, Cho NJ
Small 2016; 12(9), 1159-1166.
Jackman JA, Lee JW, Cho NJ
Small 2016; 12(9), 1133-1139.
Jackman JA, Goh HZ, Zhdanov VP, Knoll W, Cho NJ
"Deciphering How Pore Formation Causes Strain-Induced Membrane Lysis of Lipid Vesicles."
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016; 138(4), 1406-1413.
Hanson JM, Gettel DL, Tabaei SR, Jackman JA, Kim MC, Sasaki DY, Liedberg B, Groves JT, Cho NJ*, Parikh AN*
(* denotes equal corresponding authors)
Biophysical Journal 2016; 110(1), 176-187.
Amaravadhi H, Li E, Lee JJ, Cho NJ, Yoon HS
Molecular Diversity 2015; 19(3) 529-539.
Jackman JA, Saravanan R, Zhang Y, Tabaei SR, Cho NJ
Cover Illustration
Small 2014; 11(20), 2372-2379.
Cho NJ, Lee CH, Pang PS, Sklan EH, Koytak ES, Kay CK, Kanazawa KK, Frank CW, Glenn JS
Gastroenterology 2015; 148(3), 616-625.
Jackman JA, Goh HZ, Zhdanov VP, Cho NJ
"Rupture of Lipid Vesicles by a Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Peptide: Influence of Vesicle Size."
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2013; 117(50), 16117-16128.
Tabaei SR, Rabe M, Zhdanov VP, Cho NJ*, Höök F*
(* denotes equal corresponding authors)
Nano Letters 2012; 2(11), 5719-5725.
Jackman JA, Cho NJ
"Model Membrane Platforms for Biomedicine: Case Study on Antiviral Drug Development."
Biointerphases 2012; 7(18), 1-20.
Cho NJ, Dvory-Sobol H, Lee CH, Cho SJ, Glenn JS
"Identification of a Class of HCV Inhibitors Directed Against the Nonstructural Protein NS4B."
Science Translational Medicine 2010; 2(15), 15ra6.
Bryson PD, Cho NJ, Einav S, Lee CH, Tai V, Bechtel J, Sivaraja M, Roberts C, Schmitz U, Glenn JS
"A Small Molecule Inhibits HCV Replication and Alters NS4B's Subcellular Distribution."
Antiviral Research 2010; 87(1), 1-8.
Cho NJ, Dvory-Sobol H, Xiong A, Frank CW, Glenn JS
ACS Chemical Biology 2009; 4(12), 1061-1067.
Cho NJ, Elazar M, Xiong A, Lee WJ, Chiao E, Baker EJ, Frank CW, Glenn JS
Biomedical Materials 2009; 4(1), 011001.
Cho NJ, Cho SJ, Cheong KH, Glenn JS, Frank CW
"Employing an Amphipathic Viral Peptide to Create a Lipid Bilayer on Au and TiO2."
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007; 129(33), 10050-10051.
Cho NJ, Cheong KH, Lee CH, Frank CW, Glenn JS
"Binding Dynamics of Hepatitis C Virus' NS5A Amphipathic Peptide to Cell and Model Membranes."
Journal of Virology 2007; 81(12), 6682-6689.
Cho NJ, Cho SJ, Hardesty JO, Glenn JS, Frank CW
"Creation of Lipid Partitions by Deposition of Amphipathic Viral Peptides."
Langmuir 2007; 23(21), 10855-10863.