North America

Curtis W. Frank
Stanford University
Director of Center on Polymer Interfaces and Macromolecular Assemblies (CPIMA)
Sr. Professor of Chemical Engineering and (by courtesy) of Materials Science and Engineering and of Chemistry, Stanford University.
Research Area:
Structure and Dynamics of Polymers in Constrained Gemotry
Interface Science of Biomolecular Materials
Polymer Development of an Artificial Cornea Based on Polymer Hydrogels

Jeffrey S. Glenn
Stanford University
Associate Professor, Medicine - Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Associate Professor, Microbiology & Immunology​
Member of Bio-X
Faculty Fellow, Stanford ChEM-H
Director, Centerfor Hepatitis and Liver Tissue Engineering (2006 - Present)
Research Area:
Molecular Virology

Paul Weiss
UC Presidential Chair
Distinguished Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Distinguished Professor of Materials Science & Engineering
Director of California NanoSystems Institute
Editor-in-chief of ACS Nano
Research Area:
Atomic-scale chemical, physical, optical, mechanical and electronic properties of surfaces and supramolecular assemblies

Jay T. Groves
Professor of Chemistry
Member of Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Co-Principal Investigator of Mechanobiology Institute Singapore
Research Area:
Physical and Biological Aspects of Cellular Biophysics
Signal Transduction Processes in Cell

Atul N. Parikh
Professor, Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Research Area:
Membrane Bioengineering and Biophysics
Organic-Inorganic Materials
General Soft Condensed Matters

Ram Sasisekharan
MIT (The David H Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research)
Alfred H. Caspary Professor of Biological Engineering
Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Health Science & Technology
Director of Health Science & Technology
Research Area:
Personalized Precision Medicine

Paula T. Hammond
MIT (The David H Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research)
David H Koch Professor in Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Research Area:
Nano-based Drugs
Detection + Monitoring
Cancer Immunology

Sang-Hyun Oh
University of Minnesota
Sanford P. Bordeau Chair in Electrical Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Graduate Faculty, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Area:
Template-stripped Ultra-smooth Metal Fabrication for Plasmonics
Plasmonic Nanostructures for Biosensing
Atomic Layer Lithography
Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)

Samuel I. Stupp
Board of Trustees Professor of Materials Science & Engineering, Chemistry, Medicine, Biomedical Engineering
Director, Simpson Querrey Institute for BioNanotechnology
Research Area:
Supramolecular Self-assembly of molecules to design functional materials
Solar photovoltaic devices and hydrogels
Bioactive materials for regenerative medicine
North America

Vivian Vasconcelos Costa
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Assistant Professor, Institute of Biological Sciences
Research Area:
Antiviral drug testing
Animal models of virus infections

Mauro M Texeira
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Immunology
Research Area:
Antiviral drug testing
Animal models of virus infections

Gert Storm
Utrecht University
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics
Research Area:
Lipid nanoparticle technology
Therapeutic nanomedicines

Bart De Spiegeleer
Ghent University
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis
Research Area:
Blood-brain barrier models for drug development
Quality control of protein-based biopharmaceuticals

Wolfgang Knoll
AIT (Austrian Institue of Technology)
College of Engineering / School of Materials Science & Engineering​
Scientific Managing Director, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wien
Honorary Professor, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Wien
Visiting Professor, NTU
Research Area:
Structure-function relationships of polymeric/organic systems
Development of optical techniques to investigate structural and function properties of supramolecular assembles and nano-materials

Fredrik Höök
Chalmers University of Technology
Department of Applied Physics, Biological Physics division​
Professor of Physics
Head of theBiological Physics Division
Research Area:
Artificial Membrane Platforms

Bengt Kasemo
Chalmers University of Technology
Division of Chemical Physics, Department of Applied Physics
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Co-founder of the Competence Center for Catalysis at Chalmers
Research Area:
Surface Science
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Biomedical Materials
Catalysis for automotive emission learning
Sustainable Enrgy Technology - solar cells, hydrogen production and storage, fuell cells

Vladimir Zhdanov
Boreskov Institue of Catalysis, Russian Academy of Sciences
Department of Applied Physics
Principal Researcher
Research Area:
Mean-field kinetic equations and Monte-Carlo simulations
Theory of elementary rate processes on solid surfaces
Complex behavior of catalytic reactions
Kinetics of protein folding and adsorption, nanoparticles and vesicles

Shlomo Magdassi
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor of Chemistry, Casali Center for Applied Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Centerfor Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Enrique Berman Chair in Solar Energy
Research Area:
Functional printing and coatings
Drug Delivery systems and Medical Imaging

Janos Szebeni
Semmelweiss University
Professor and Director of the Nanomedicine REsearch and Education Center​
Founder and Scientific Director of SeroScience Ltd.
Research Area:
Artifical Blood
Complement system , particularly as the main advocate of CARPA concept

JiÅ™í Homola
UFE (Institute of Photonics and Electronics)
Director of the Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Professor of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
Professor of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University
Research Area:
Photonics, Biophotonics, optical sensors and biosensors
Asia & Australia

Bruce Cornell
Western Sydney University
Adjunct Professor, School of Science and Health, Western Sydney University
Principle investigator of Surgical Diagnostics
Member of the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Research Area:
Structure-function relationships of polymeric/organic systems
Development of optical techniques to investigate structural and function properties of supramolecular assembles and nano-materials

Tomohiro Hayashi
Tokyo Institue of Technology
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Research Area:
Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience, Nanosurface/Nanointerface
Biomedical Engineering and biological material science
Nanostructural science

Takaharu Okajima
Hokkaido University
Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Division of Bioengineering and Bioinfomatics, Biomedical Systems Engineering
Research Area:
Single molecule spectroscopy by AFM
Molecular dynamics in cells
Physics/Applied physics/Biophysics/Chemical physics
Biological Science/Nanotechnology/Nanoscience

Joshua A. Jackman
Sungkyunkwan University
Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Engineering
Research Area:
Lipid membrane biotechnology
Acoustic and optical biosensors
Peptide drug development

Bo Kyeong Yoon
Chonnam National University
Assistant Professor, School of Healthcare and Biomedical Engineering
Research Area:
Antibacterial drug development and testing
Lipid-based coatings for sensors and diagnostics
Antimicrobial lipids and surfactants

Haiwon Lee
Hanyang University
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Chairman of the Asian Research Network Korea
Research Area:
Atomic Force Microscopy Applications
Carbon Nanotube Synthesis and Applications
Organic Thin Film Fabrication

Jae-Ho Kim
Ajou University
Chair, Department of Molecular Science and Technology
Ajou University Director, The 2nd BK 21 Program of the Molecular Science and Technology
Jang-won Distinguished Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry and Bioengineering
Research Area:
Development of biosensors
Development of fabrication technology for Nanomechanic devices utilizing CNTs and nanoparticles/nanorods
Development of the bio-compatible dental implant

Dong-June Ahn
Korea University
Professor, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, College of Engineering
Head of Department of Biomicro System Technology
Professor of KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Science & Technology
Research Area:
Interfacial Engineering
Self- & Kinetic-assembled Architectures
Optoelectronic Conjugated Supramolecules for Nanosensing
Inkjet-printing Technology for Single-object Assay
Engineering for Translational Nanomedicine
Nanoscale Dynamics Simulation

Seok (Sid) Chung
Korea University
Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
Founder and scientific advisory board of AIM BioTech Pte Ltd
Technical Director of Incyto Ltd
Research Area:
Development of 3D cell culture in vitro disease model
Translational research using micro/nanofluidics
3D tissue reconstitution

Donghwan (Richie) Kim
Sungkyunkwan University
Professor, School of Chemical Engineering
Division of Polymer Science & Engineering
Research Area:
Bioanalytical Platform for Health Monitoring and Early Disease Detection
Immune modulating surface coatings to enhance long term performance of neural prostheses

Jaywon Lee
Professor, Business School at KAIST
Managing Researcher of InfollutionZero
Research Area:
Corporate Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilities
Benefits and Costs of Internet
Opportunity value validation of biotechnology in the modern market

Sang-Joon Cho
Park Systems Corp.
Chief Scientist, Director, R&D Center
Research Area:
Atomic Force Microscope
Nano-scale standardization
Local Collaborators

Juha Song
Nanyang Technological University
Assistant Professor, School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Research Area:
3D freeform printing platforms for soft matter (e.g., hydrogels, slow curing resins, pollen microgels)
Structural design and analysis of biomedical devices
Large scale bio fabrication and bioprocess
Interface engineering for soft/hard materials or human/device

Sangyong Jung
Technology and Research (A*STAR)
Group Leader, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Adjunct Professor, Department of Biomedical Science and Engineering (BMSE), Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
Research Area:
Neurometabolism (amino acids, amino acid transporters in brain)
Neurocircuitry and synaptic plasticity for feeding
Brain-gut axis (gut bacteria)

Bo Liedberg
Nanyang Technological University
Professor, School of Material Science and Engeering
Dean, Interdisciplinary Graduate School
Director, Centre of Biomimetics Sensor Science
Research Area:
Sensing & Diagnostics, nanoscience, soft matter

Tan Lay Poh
Nanyang Technological University
Professor, School of Material Science and Engineering
Research Area:
Surface modification of biomaterials
Stem cells for soft tissue engineering

Ho Sup Yoon
Nanyang Technological University
Professor, School of Biological Science, College of Science
Head of Structural Biology and Biochemistry
Research Area:
Apoptosis; Molecular chaperones in cancer, malaria, and neurodegenerative diseases
Peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase)
Structure-based drug design

Eng Eong Ooi
Duke-NUS Medical School
Deputy Director of Emerging Infectious Diseases Programme​
Research Area:
Clinical epidemiology
Hyunsoo Je (Shawn)
Duke-NUS Medical School
Professor, Neuroscience and Behavioral Disorder Program
Research Area:
Investigation of Synapses for principles of learning and memory, for processes underlying animal behavior, and for pathological mechanisms
Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying autism and schizophrenia

Pierce Chow
Singapore General Hospital
Academic Surgeon and Professor, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School
Senior Consultant Surgeon, National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS), Division of Surgical Oncology in the Singapore General Hospital (SGH)
Senior Clinician Scientist at National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore
Research Area:
Hepato-biliary cancers and gastrointestinal stromal tumours
Brachytherapy in HCC and pancreatic cancers